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Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous part of the United Republic of Tanzania, has its own government, complete with President, Cabinet, Legislature and Judicial system, known as the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar. For over half a century, Zanzibar has enjoyed political stability, including 28 years (1992-2020) of multi-party democracy.

The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar was first led by His Excellency Abeid Amani Karume as President of Zanzibar and Chairman of Revolutionary Council, followed by His Excellency Aboud Jumbe Mwinyi who served the presidency for 12 years from 1972 before he resigned in 1984. The post was filled by His Excellency Ali Hassan Mwinyi, for two years who then became the President of the United Republic of Tanzania in 1986. From 1986 to 1990 the country was led by His Excellency Idrisa Abdulwakil Nombe followed by Dr. Salmin Amour Juma in 1990 who stayed in power for ten years. In 2000 His Excellency Dr. Amani Karume was elected as the President and serve the office for ten years before he passed it to His Excellency Dr. Ali Mohammed Shein in 2010 who led the country for 10 years (2010-2020). 

The current president His Excellency Dr. Hussein Ali  Mwinyi was elected on 28th October 2020 for 76.27 percent of total vote and became the 8th President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council for the  term of five years. For more information about Zanzibar and its administration please visit Zanzibar Government Website