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Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure includes roads network, electricity generation and networks, seaports and airports and other utility structures. Although infrastructure development was the traditional role of the public sector, RGZ has moved to clear the way for private sector participation.

The most notable step was the passing of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Act in 2015 creating a framework for attracting private capital to develop, operate and maintain essential infrastructure and services. The Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (ZSGRP III 2016-2020) asserts that collaboration between the public and private sectors is very important for the much-needed infrastructural development.

  • Establishment of landing sites
  • Rehabilitation and extension of Pemba Airport
  • Power generation through renewable energy particularly solar and wind
  • Upgrading of electricity transmissions line to 33kv for Pemba and 132kv for Unguja
  • ICT based infrastructure
  • Construction of dry dock facilities
  • Kijangwani Bus Terminal
  • Maisara Sports Complex
  • Construction of markets in Unguja and Pemba
  • Construction of exhibition and convention centres (PPP)
  • Development and Management of Industrial parks